妙妙熊历险记 第一季(1985) The Gummi Bears/妙妙熊历险记

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:43
年份: 1985  / 地区: 美国 
类型:动画 家庭 奇幻  / 豆瓣:8.0分 / IMDB:7.6分
演员:Katie Leigh,Lorenzo Music,Noel
语言:英语  / 片长:
妙妙熊历险记 第一季剧情介绍

妙妙熊历险记 第一季是一部动画,家庭,奇幻片,一群住在地底的可爱小熊,喝了独创秘方的神奇妙妙草莓汁后可以有一段时间的巨大力气和高弹跳力,不断打败坏蛋。他们的祖先曾经创造了辉煌的文明,但为了躲避贪婪的人类,被迫迁徙到了很远的海对岸。留守原处的少量居民失去了他们大部分的知识与技术。一个偶然的日子,他们救了一个人类少年,得到了这个少年收藏的魔法徽章,打开了记载妙妙熊过往的妙妙大宝典。从此,它们一边与形形色色的坏人的斗争,一边发现着祖先们留下的讯息和遗迹。最终联系上了海对岸的同类们。

Long ago, there was a thriving civilization of small humanoid bears called Gummi Bears. Possessing powerful magic and advanced technology, this race coexisted with humans until the growing rivalry forced the Gummies to flee across the sea, leaving only a small caretaker colony to prepare for a possible return. However, generations passed and the colony forgot their purpose even as human knowledge of the race faded into mere legend. All that changes when the colony meets a boy with a Gummi Bear medallion which unlocks the Great Book of Gummi which reveals lost knowledge of their past. Now the colony has dedicated themselves to the new goal to rediscover their heritage with the help of a few trusted humans while preventing new enemies like Duke Igthorn from exploiting that heritage to their own ends.

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