小不点 第一季(1983) The Littles/Les minipouss / 小不点

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:40
年份: 1983  / 地区: 美国  
类型:动画 冒险  / 豆瓣:8.1分 / IMDB:6.4分
导演:Bernard Deyriès
演员:Jimmy Keegan,Bettina Bush,艾维·摩
语言:英语  / 片长:
小不点 第一季剧情介绍

小不点 第一季是一部动画,冒险片,怀旧动画之美国部分经典之作。央视周末晚六点半档热播作品。作品叙述了一个叫亨利的13岁男孩在度假途中,在他的旅行箱里意外发现了一种长着尖耳朵、翘门牙、细尾巴的微型小人——“小不点”。“小不点”有一个完整的家庭:爷爷、爸爸、妈妈和三个孩子(21岁的丁姬,13岁的汤姆和10岁的露西)。丁姬是一个冒失的粗喉咙飞行员。此后,他们就住在亨利卧室的通风道里,亨利的宠物龟也成了他们的好朋友。美国动画片中与孩子们作对的反派角色总是大人,如《丹佛——最后的恐龙》。本片也不例外,阴森的博士和他的助手总是带着高尖端科技的仪器,妄图捕获这些小家伙。凭借小不点们自身的聪明伶俐和亨利无微不至的保护,大人们的阴谋一次次的破产了。   主题歌:我们是小不点,我们都是小小的......不要为我们担心,不要为我们忧虑,因为我们小不点呀不会“死去”

Animated series about a 13-year-old boy named Henry Bigg who goes on vacation and finds mouse-like creatures in his suitcase called Littles. There's a whole family of Littles. William and Lucy Little help raise their three children, 21-year-old Dinky, 13-year-old Tom and 10-year-old Lucy. Dinky is the clumsy and goofy voiced pilot who is out of school and is 21 years old and is usually seen helping Grandpa Little out by doing a bunch of stuff while Mr. and Mrs. Little work during the day. Tom is the excited one and Lucy is the youngest and smallest and always ready to do something. In the second season, they adopted a girl named Ashley, who had short hair and wanted excitement always happen with The Littles.


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