更新:2019-05-09 10:05:30
年份: 2003  / 地区: 美国 
类型:剧情 悬疑 惊悚 奇幻  / 豆瓣:8.6分 / IMDB:8.5分
语言:法语   俄语   英语   德语  / 片长:
嘉年华 第一季剧情介绍

嘉年华 第一季是一部剧情,悬疑,惊悚,奇幻片,1934年,美国,一个名叫本·霍金斯的逃犯跟随一个嘉年华队伍旅行。这个嘉年华被一个隐身不露的经理所拥有,在这里有一些怪人———侏儒、玩蛇的女子和占卜师。霍金斯也身怀异能,他可以治好瘸子和唤醒死人。他经常和一个牧师做相同的怪梦,牧师使他相信两人都是上帝意志的体现,他开始施展绝技……   现实和奇幻的交织给了《嘉年华》巨大的发挥余地,HBO的这部大戏绝对是一顿视觉大餐。   2004获得了艾美奖包括最佳艺术指导在内的5项奖,是获得该类奖项最多的电视剧。

1934, America. The Dustbowl. A fugitive named Ben Hawkins finds refuge within a traveling carnival comprised of a tarot card reader and her catatonic/telekinetic mother, a blind mentalist, a bearded lady, and conjoined twins, amongst others. The carnival is owned by the mysterious and unseen Management, who has designs on the young Hawkins, for the boy is concealing an untapped gift: he can heal the lame and raise the dead--at a price. Ben also finds himself disturbed by cryptic and prophetic dreams, which he shares with a Methodist preacher in California, Brother Justin Crowe. Brother Justin, convinced by his dreams he is following God's will, has begun to practice his own extraordinary talents, although the preacher's plans increasingly lead to disturbing and tragic consequences. In this "last great age of magic," Ben Hawkins and Justin Crowe are moving toward a great conflict between Good and Evil, although it not yet clear on which sides these men will stand.

一句话评论:面对无解的痛苦,唯有放淡一些,再淡一些(转载)。黑暗系之天赋诡谲之作。命运的调戏。超级好看。碎碎念。big\big game!。本来可以更好。不可思议的奇幻作品。嘉年华。

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