永生之酒(2007) バッカーノ!/为酒而狂 / Baccano! / Baccano! 大騷動!

更新:2024-05-26 08:05:10
年份: 2007  / 地区: 美国  
类型:喜剧 动作 动画 惊悚 恐怖 犯罪 奇幻 冒险  / 豆瓣:9.1分 / IMDB:8.4分
语言:英语   日语  / 片长:

永生之酒是一部喜剧,动作,动画,惊悚,恐怖,犯罪,奇幻,冒险片,中世纪,炼金术士们以巨大的代价从恶魔的手中得到了传说中的永生之酒,凡是喝下永生之酒的人们,正如它的名字那样,将会得到永远不会死亡的肉体。永生之酒带来了希望,却也引发了空前绝后的灾难,因为私欲和利益,与此酒相关的人士一个接着一个失去了踪迹。随着禁酒令的颁布,永生之酒的下落逐渐成为了谜题,然而数年过后,有关它重出江湖的消息再次被传得沸沸扬扬,在纽约的黑道中激起了涟漪。   身怀绝技的少年洛菲(吉野裕行 配音)、不老不死的炼金术士阿洛瓦(宫本充 配音)、个性莽撞大大咧咧的夫妻艾萨克(小野坂昌也 配音)和哈文特(青木静香 配音),这些身份从无交集的人们,也为了追寻永生之酒的下落而走到了一起。

In the year 1711, a group of alchemists are granted an elixir of immortality, with the stipulation that they must kill each other until there can be only one. The now-immortal group unanimously decides it wasn't worth it and destroy the elixir; but one of them, Slizard Quates, starts to kill off his fellow immortals. To reduce the risk of Quates tracking them all down, the group separates and goes their separate ways. Neither of them crosses paths again till 1930, Manhattan, when Quates manages to create a new elixir of immortality. However, he loses it and it ends up going around town, taken to be a bottle of alcohol and unknowingly drunk by many residents. The drinkers of this new elixir include Isaac and Miria, an eccentric pair of thieves; the Gandor brothers, a Mafia family; and their associates in the Camorra, the Martillos (who employ some of the original immortals). Now, not only are a new group of immortals created, but the simmering criminal underworld is about to explode.

