更新:2024-05-26 12:05:40
年份: 1997  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:科幻 惊悚 儿童  / 豆瓣:6.7分 / IMDB:6分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:82

疯狂的兔子是一部科幻,惊悚,儿童片,未来某城市,艺校姑娘然然(柳田 饰)常带邻家小孩豆豆(赵梦洋 饰)玩耍,不料在一起偶然事件中豆豆丢失,她焦急万分。此时,城市上空降临UFO,宇航局安全处派出的特工莫名其妙失去了记忆。局长(王鹰 饰)让侦察员叶云(李艺 饰)观看监视录像,录像中似有一个类似豆豆的身影出现,但很快便消失了。与此同时,班上来了一个酷似豆豆的学生李大米,他随身携带一个神奇的游戏光盘,如果谁玩光盘大喊“神奇的兔子”,不可思议的事情发生了,兔子竟然跳到人的身上,兔形浸入人的衣服和皮肤,而人也变的疯狂暴唳。然然因拒绝玩此游戏,疯狂的兔子弄坏了她的乐器。原来,西伯尔星球科学家劫持了豆豆并改变了其大脑,改名换姓派回地球作恶......

In a city in the future, the girl of the art school (Yutian) often plays with the neighboring children, Li Dou , AKA ,Peas (Zhao Mengyang). Unexpectedly, Peas went missing. She felt it was her fault. At this time, the UFO was coming over the city, and the agents dispatched by the NASA Security Service lost their memories inexplicably. The director (Wang Ying ) asked the scout Ye Yun (Li Yi ) to watch the surveillance video. The video appeared to have a figure similar to Peas, but it quickly disappeared. At the same time, the class came a student like Li Dou, who was like Peas. He carried a magical game disc with him. If anyone played the disc and shouted "magic rabbit", the incredible thing happened. The rabbit jumped onto the person. The rabbit shape is immersed in the clothes and skin of the person, and the person becomes crazy and violent. However, the crazy rabbit broke her instrument because she refused to play this game. It turned out that the Sibel planet scientists hijacked ...

一句话评论:恐怖片 绝对的恐怖片啊。可怕的兔子。小议---疯狂的兔子。不该忘记的就不会忘记。影射。疯狂的顺口溜。社会冷峻的良知!良心之作!。童年里挥子不去的阴影——《疯狂的兔子》。BUG关乎时代,无关技术。国产cult/童年阴影:我不敢说五遍“疯狂的兔子”。
