嘿,老头!(2015)/你是我爸爸 / 太阳花

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:51
年份: 2015  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 家庭  / 豆瓣:8.1分 / IMDB:6.8分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

嘿,老头!是一部剧情,家庭片,年过花甲的刘二铁(李雪健 饰)是一名退休的火车司机,他有着那个年代过来人的坚忍和倔强,同时在子女问题上也有着类似的笨拙与固执。二铁日常爱喝上两口,酩酊大醉之际更与儿子的关系紧张几分。刘二铁的儿子海皮(黄磊 饰)年过三十一事无成,只能靠送快递糊口,日常最爱和铁哥们儿们瞎起哄。他讨厌父亲的种种,父子的交流经常以大吵结束。青梅竹马的女孩易爽(宋佳 饰)赴美的计划受挫,年轻人只有相互舔舐伤口,安慰取暖。   某天,刘老头被诊断患上了阿尔茨海默症,他的记忆一天天丧失,忘记了许多的烦心事,只记得儿子乖巧的样子。最亲又最烦的人迷失在记忆之城中,我还能拉住他的手吗?

This is a comedy with topical and practical significance. Grass root Liu Haipi meets his goddess Yi Shuang, a girl he has loved for years. They pretend to be lovers at the beginning, and then fall in love. However, they are under great pressure caused by Haipi's business failure and career setbacks. Just at the time the couple decides to have a "naked marriage", Haipi's father gets Alzheimer and makes trouble like a child, leaving the young couple in distress. At the same time, a rich guy woos Yi Shuang, and Yi Shuang's family has troubles all the time. The young couple is confronted with constant troubles. Haipi and his father go through hostility and indifference, but gradually start to understand each other, and finally come to terms. Haipi and Yi Shuang come through ups and downs, and insist on their love despite everything. Eventually, the family gets together again, embracing happiness with love and tolerance.

一句话评论:透过文艺看生活。佩服导演缠裹脚布的能力。老头!回来。虎头蛇尾。父母在 不远游 游必有方。父亲和我。感人。不错的剧,三观有点不正。。我们总是慢慢长大,我们总是很快变老。名过其实。

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