生活启示录(2014)/Life Revelation

更新:2024-05-26 12:05:14
年份: 2014  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情 爱情  / 豆瓣:7.3分 / IMDB:8.2分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

生活启示录是一部剧情,爱情片,婚后七年,刘光耀(果静林 饰)和于小强(闫妮 饰)这对夫妻的生活渐渐走入了死胡同。一个意外事件,注定了渐行渐远的两个人走出最后一步。性格倔强的小强宁为玉碎不为瓦全,可是真的离婚后,她所面临的各种现实问题同样令人挠头。离婚前修电脑时,她认识了比自己小六岁的电脑维修工鲍家明(胡歌 饰),在最艰难的一段日子里家明给了她不少的帮助。心怀理想的家明此时此刻也正处在人生的低谷,由于将房子出租给小强以及随之而来的一连串误会,让他和女友嘟嘟(张钟仪 饰)本就不算和谐的关系跌入谷底。   爱开玩笑的命运之神,就这样将除了“倒霉”外没有任何共同点的小强和家明捏到了一起……

Since Yu Xiaoqiang married Liu Guangyao seven years ago, she's settled into the quiet life of a regular housewife. Her life is turned upside down when one day, computer engineer Bao Jiaming comes to her house to fix a computer and she discovers that Guangyao is having an affair with a clothing designer he works with, Lan Xin. Facing the dissolution of her marriage, Xiaoqiang scrambles to find new accommodation and work. Meanwhile, Jiaming puts everything he has into starting a company with a friend, but in the midst of that, his girlfriend breaks up with him and financially cripples the project. At the lowest points in their lives, Xiaoqiang and Jiaming find comfort in each other's friendship and start to develop feelings for one another, but the couple must overcome many hurdles, starting with the fact that Xiaoqiang is pregnant with Guangyao's baby.


下载信息 大小
[生活启示录(全35集)].720p£Shannon.香凝 29.98GB
生活启示录30-35 0.8 GB
生活启示录 10.6 GB
生活启示录[1080P] 28.4 GB
生活启示录20~27 2.1 GB
生活启示录 2.5 GB
生活启示录 9.3 GB
生活启示录 30.1 GB
生活启示录超清完整版(未删减版) 1.7 GB
生活启示录 9.3 GB
生活启示录第2集 - 捉奸不成反进警局[高清版].flv 173.78 MB