费雪小姐探案集 第二季(2013) Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries/

更新:2019-05-09 10:05:57
年份: 2013  / 地区: 澳大利亚 
类型:剧情 悬疑 犯罪  / 豆瓣:8.7分 / IMDB:7.9分
导演:托尼·蒂尔斯,Declan Eames,Sian Davies,Catherine Millar
语言:英语  / 片长:
费雪小姐探案集 第二季剧情介绍

费雪小姐探案集 第二季是一部剧情,悬疑,犯罪片,咆哮的二十年代下的墨尔本,芙莱妮·费雪 (Phryne Fisher, Essie Davis 饰), 一位独具韵味的摩登女侦探,凭着自己的机智幽默与一把珍珠左轮,游走于纵情声色的花街酒巷,替无助的弱势群体为正义而战。

Dot's sister, Lola, visits and implores Phryne to investigate the murder of fellow showgirl, Lavinia. Meanwhile, Jack's ex-wife begs him to take over the investigation of a murder in which her father apparently killed a woman inside a locked room! Jack and Phryne meet at the crime scene where it seems impossible for another to have committed the crime. Phryne goes undercover as a fan dancer and Jack visits the bordello where the rich and powerful go to play and the police are definitely not welcome to try to catch the real killer!

一句话评论:Living girlhood dreams。费雪小姐探案集之一个头骨引发的血案(剧透疯女胡安娜之血)。一个有品位的高智商女性如何边睡男人边解决案子。我永远的不会要求你改变。一个强势但可爱的费雪小姐。

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