更新:2019-05-09 10:05:42
年份: 2015  / 地区: 澳大利亚 
类型:喜剧 同性  / 豆瓣:9.0分 / IMDB:9.0分
语言:英语  / 片长:
请喜欢我 第三季剧情介绍

请喜欢我 第三季是一部喜剧,同性片,由澳大利亚年轻同志演员乔什·托马斯自编自演的热播喜剧《请喜欢我》获得第三季续订。故事承接第二季的叙事,将于2015年10月正式播出。

Arnold calls Josh for help - he has stolen a shopping trolley from the supermarket and doesn't know what to do next. Josh convinces him to dump it and come over that night. Tom's keen to see Arnold again and he's very encouraging of Josh's attempts to make this relationship a thing. Mum's not so keen on Arnold - she thinks Josh could do better. Hannah, who is still living with Mum, tells Josh that he shouldn't worry about whether he's making the right choice and to just go for it. Josh tries really hard, making Arnold's "favourite" vegetarian food - stuffed eggplant - when he comes for dinner, but Arnold still goes home at the end of the night. Josh, confused and unsettled by the whole business, has nightmares and moves himself across the hallway to sleep in Tom's room. This is not all that convenient for Tom, but as usual he goes along with it as he can see Josh is upset. After a hilarious night out at a Vietnamese restaurant, where Tom and Josh tease Arnold about being racist, ...

一句话评论:Jesus Christ!。我们要坦诚相待。你怎么能不爱呢?。“我爱你,你也爱我,这就是最了不起的组合。”。结局虽dramatic但还不算意外。要背下来最后两句话,以后肯定用得上。第三季结局点赞。我不喜欢我。只愿君心似我心。It's about you。

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