秘密花园(2010) 시크릿 가든/Secret Garden

更新:2024-05-26 11:05:08
年份: 2010  / 地区: 韩国 
类型:剧情 爱情 科幻  / 豆瓣:8.4分 / IMDB:8.6分
语言:韩语  / 片长:

秘密花园是一部剧情,爱情,科幻片,百货公司社长金洙元(玄彬 饰)帅气多金高学历,信奉“不浪费时间和感情”的政治婚姻。他的表哥是大受女性欢迎的韩流明星奥斯卡(尹相铉 饰),为了帮奥斯卡摆平绯闻,金洙元来到电影拍摄现场,却误打误撞地带走了特技替身演员吉罗琳(河智苑 饰)。很快,留着一头帅气短发、行动干脆利落的吉罗琳俘虏了金洙元的心,然而二人之间经济水平以及阶级地位的巨大差异,让金社长内心十分矛盾痛苦。   随后因为各种机缘巧合,众人齐聚济州岛。在一个电闪雷鸣的长夜里,金洙元和吉罗琳都喝了从奇怪地方带回的酒,奇怪的事情就此发生,他们的灵魂互换了。贫穷的特技替身演员,以及“特长是赚钱”的社长,二人开始互相扮演对方的角色……

Kim Joo-Won (Hyun-Bin) is the dream of every woman. He is young, rich, handsome, well-educated and the C.E.O. of a big department store; however, his bossiness and arrogance can not shield his heart from an unexpected and unlikely love. Gil Ra-Im (Ha Ji-won) is a professional stunt actress. She drives, fights and talks like a man. She is exactly the opposite of what Kim Joo-Won looks for in a prospective wife: poor, under-educated, old (30-years-old), from an ordinary family, etc. When Kim Joo-Won attempts to do a small favor for his famous singing cousin Oska (Yoon Sang-Hyun) - of course in return for a profitable business deal - he mistakes Gil Ra-Im for the leading actress she's currently stunt-doubling. From that moment on, his comfortable and luxurious life unravels and the piercing love of this extra ordinary woman overtakes his life. As the story progresses, fate, love triangles, magical potions, class differences, manipulative mothers, corporate intrigue, a dead fireman and a forgotten trauma make their life more complicated.

一句话评论:花园里秘密盛放的,是生命与爱的美丽奇迹。【如果你知我苦衷。】。直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂 EP1-2。金朱元是怎样炼成的。掰一掰《秘密花园》里的那些韩剧老套和突破。那个男人——玄彬。金木水火 寿无限。奋不顾身的爱一回,然后死掉。现实里那道光亮。2010最温暖的韩剧。
