十六岁,九个月(2025) 16 лет и 9 месяцев/

更新:2024-10-01 08:10:18
年份: 2025  / 地区: 俄罗斯 
类型:剧情 喜剧  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:俄语  / 片长:

十六岁,九个月是一部剧情,喜剧片,16岁的托尼娅是一个优秀的学生,热衷于舞蹈,疯狂迷恋学校里的风云人物——谢苗。为了引起谢苗的注意,托尼娅试图表现得更加成熟,并谎称自己已经有了男朋友。然而,对谢苗来说,和托尼娅约会只是娱乐,而对托尼娅来说,这是她都第一次。几周后,她发现自己怀孕了。   托尼娅无法向任何人承认这一切,面临着极其艰难的选择。唯一愿意支持她的人意外地是她的同班同学——米佳。在父母和社会的压力下,托尼娅必须经历一段艰难的旅程。

The main character Tonya is 16 years old, she is an excellent student, she is engaged in dancing and is crazy about the main handsome man of the school - Semyon. To please him, the girl tries to seem older and lies that she has been dating guys for a long time. But for Semyon, a date with Tonya is just entertainment, and for Tony it's the first time. In a couple of weeks, she finds out that she is pregnant. The girl cannot admit to anyone what happened and finds herself all alone in front of the most difficult choice. The only one who offered a shoulder suddenly becomes Tony's classmate, Mitya. Under the yoke of condemnation from parents and the public, the heroine will have to go through a difficult path.

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