间谍少女组 第二季(2003) Totally Spies!/少女特工队 / 校园娇娃 / 霹雳娇娃动画版

更新:2024-06-08 08:06:15
年份: 2003  / 地区: 美国 
类型:动作 动画 冒险  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:8.1分
导演:Stephane Berry
演员:Andrea Baker,Jennifer Hale,Kat
语言:英语  / 片长:
间谍少女组 第二季剧情介绍

间谍少女组 第二季是一部动作,动画,冒险片,三个来自贝弗利山的疯狂男孩、时尚少女以超级间谍的身份平衡了他们的个人生活和学校生活。

When the spies find out that Tad Baily, one of their favorite soap opera stars, is missing - they freak! They call Jerry and demand to be WOOHPed. Jerry, of course, tells them that finding Tad hardly qualifies as an international crisis, let alone a WOOHP mission. \"Look, Jerry -- we've done a lot for you in the past, now it's time for you to do your part.\" Jerry reluctantly agrees to let the girls use WOOHP resources to find the soap star. Investigation of the soap set suggests that Tad was abducted -- possibly by international spies! The girls follow a trail of clues which takes them around the globe. Ultimately, the villain turns out to be an obsessed fan who has confused fantasy with reality. She abducted Tad to help him defeat his arch-nemesis on the soap show. In a b-story, Clover gets an agent to help launch her acting career.

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