Flakka 僵尸药物(2023) Flakka Zombie Drug/药物Z

更新:2024-01-25 07:01:11
年份: 2023  / 地区: 美国 
类型:科幻 惊悚  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:2.6分
导演:Dick Smartwell
演员:Jess Sylvia,Brenna Daly,Mikey
语言:英语  / 片长:86
Flakka 僵尸药物剧情介绍

Flakka 僵尸药物是一部科幻,惊悚片,一名新近丧偶的妇女在丈夫惨遭谋杀后前往拉斯维加斯寻求安慰,决心为自己和女儿重新开始。她不知道的是,在她已故丈夫的遗物中藏着一种强效药物配方,这让她无意中与一位拥有隐秘知识的神秘邻居纠缠在一起。很快,一个小毒贩和小偷抓住机会偷走了烈性药物,并密谋在聚会上分发。当这场不幸的聚会爆发混乱时,毒贩设法逃离了僵尸出没的场所,留下了死亡和破坏的痕迹。现在,问题依然存在:这是僵尸启示录的开始,还是可能会启动一个更大的计划?—迪克·斯马特韦尔

After her husband's tragic murder, a recently widowed woman seeks solace in Las Vegas, determined to make a fresh start for herself and her daughter. Unbeknownst to her, among her late husband's belongings lies a powerful drug formula, which unwittingly entangles her with a mysterious neighbor who harbors hidden knowledge. Soon, a small-time drug dealer and thief seize the opportunity to steal the potent drug, plotting to distribute it at a party. As chaos erupts at the ill-fated gathering, the drug dealer manages to escape the premises infested with zombies, leaving behind a trail of death and devastation. Now, the question remains: Is this the beginning of a Zombie Apocalypse, or could an even greater plan be set into motion?

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