未来正义(2014) future justice/

更新:2023-05-25 08:05:03
年份: 2014  / 地区: 美国 
类型:科幻 奇幻  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:3.8分
语言:英语  / 片长:

未来正义是一部科幻,奇幻片,在未来,土星的卫星泰坦上有一座监狱,关押着地球上罪大恶极的罪犯,等待着回到地球接受审判和处决。其中一名犯罪分子派森·戴尔蒙德被五名军警护送回地球。 他们回到地球时,发现地球在一场灾难性的核战争后几乎成了一个荒无人烟的空壳。六人寻找着幸存者和任何可能引起这场灾难的线索。他们发现了一个隐蔽的仓库,里面藏着地球未来残存的希望——科学家们。不幸的是,他们的飞船引起了一帮人的注意。后者在断壁残垣中寻找食物和资源发现了这一隐蔽、精良的庇护所,于是大举围攻仓库。双方为了各自的生存展开激烈了战斗。

In the future Saturn's moon of Titan houses a prison where Earth's worst criminals are kept awaiting their return to Earth for trial and execution. One of those criminals, Python Diamond, is being flown back to Earth, escorted by five members of the military police. Upon their return to Earth, they find that a cataclysmic nuclear war has reduced the world to a near-lifeless husk. Searching for survivors and any clue as to the cause of the destruction leads the six to a warehouse bunker housing scientists who constitute Earth's last remaining hope for the future. Unfortunately, their landing spacecraft drew the attention of one of the gangs that roam the ruined countryside in search of food and resources, leading them straight to the carefully hidden and well-provisioned shelter. The gang lays siege to the warehouse, fighting their way inside in a bloody battle that takes lives on both sides.

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