更新:2024-05-26 10:05:38
年份: 2024  / 地区: 中国大陆 
类型:剧情  / 豆瓣:6.6分 / IMDB:5.9分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

我们的翻译官是一部剧情片,翻译界“魔女”林西重逢前任男友肖一成。八年前,林西为完成林母未完成的职业梦想,忍痛和肖一成分手,成为联合国专业翻译。八年后,林西已经是华声最年轻的首席口译专家与“绩效女王”,而肖一成也摇身一变成为语译天下的首席技术官——林西的甲方和潜在客户。为了拿下肖一成的合同,林西不 得不与肖一成“周旋”。作为翻译官,林西也凭借自己的专业帮助肖一成公司上市。这个过程明面上肖一成是对林西的复仇,实际上他不仅狠不下心来,还对她处处留情。在工作与相处中,两人年少时期炽热的感情重新被点燃。肖一成渐渐理解了当时林西与自己分手的真相,也看到了林西接近梦想时一步一个脚印的努力,他选择成为她追求梦想路上的坚强后盾,在她低谷的时候鼓励她、陪伴她。两人从隔阂误解,到相互理解、互相成就,最终有情人终成眷属,实现“为国发声”的职业梦想。

Lin Xi, the \"witch\" in the translation industry, reunites with her ex-boyfriend Xiao Yicheng. Eight years ago, in order to fulfill Lin's mother's unfinished career dream, Lin Xi reluctantly broke up with Xiao Yi and became a professional translator for the United Nations. Eight years later, Lin Xi is already Huasheng's youngest chief interpreter expert and \"Queen of Performance,\" while Xiao Yicheng has also transformed into the chief technology officer of Yutong Tianxia-Lin Xi's client and potential customer. In order to win Xiao Yicheng's contract, Lin Xi had to \"deal with\" Xiao Yicheng. As a translator, Lin Xi also used his expertise to help Xiao Yicheng's company go public. On the surface, this process was Xiao Yicheng's revenge on Lin Xi. In fact, he was not only ruthless, but also showed mercy to her. While working and getting along, the passionate relationship between the two when they were young was rekindled. Xiao Yicheng gradually understood the truth about Lin Xi's breakup with him at that time, and also saw Lin Xi's efforts step by step as she approached her dream. He chose to be her strong support in pursuing her dream, encouraging her and accompanying her when she was at her lowest point. . The two went from estrangement and misunderstanding to mutual understanding and mutual achievement. In the end, the lovers finally got married and realized their professional dream of \"speaking for the country.\"

一句话评论:《我们的翻译官》很正常(不发颠)(不敷衍)很优质的都市职场剧&情感剧❗。i双A的这回吃得很好。除了剧情还可以,其他的。。。。肖一成林西的爱情。宋茜这部戏减肥减的太狠了吧 瘦的像一根筷子 说台词的时候永远都是嘴巴张不开 怎么 是有口臭吗。观剧有感。亲爱的翻译官。有点儿格局的cp更好嗑。快来看。合格言情剧,但没搔到痒处。

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viinas.com. our.interpreter.2024.ep14-15.hd1080p.x264.a 1.37 GB