更新:2022-03-30 07:03:13
年份: 1987  / 地区: 中国香港 
类型:历史  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:0.0分
语言:汉语普通话  / 片长:

貂蝉是一部历史片,东汉未年,天下大乱。太尉董卓以丞相自居,挟天子以令诸侯,把持朝政。他因有义子吕布相助,其权势、武功震摄四方,不可一世。 司徒王允针对董卓和吕布皆好色、多疑的弱点,巧施美人连环计,以歌姬貂蝉为诱饵,使其达到离间董卓、吕布的目的。 为拯天下救家邦,貂蝉忍辱负重,陪狼伴虎,毅然放弃隔壁恋人乐奔的一段深情,借助自己的美貌与智慧,在董卓、吕布之间虚与委蛇、周旋应付,终于使吕布为美色而杀父...

In arond 220 A.D., the country of China was in turmoil. Tung Cheuk, a malicious warlord in the northwest provinces of China, with the aid of Lui Po, his step-son, rose to power and became Prime Minister of the empire. His reign was marked by monstrous cruelty, extravagance, and treachery. He himself was also a debaucherous person. He was hated by many and people tried all sorts of plots to kill him. They all failed. Szeto, a minister in the court, sent his step-daughter, Diao Chan (played by Nina Li Chi), to be Tung's concubine. Diao Chan was the most beautiful Chinese woman of all time. With her ravishing beauty, she soon successfully captured the hearts of both Tung and Lui, and as they became jealous of each other, Diao Chan persuaded Lui to kill his step-father...

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