滚轮宝贝(1976) Rollerbabies/

更新:2021-07-03 08:07:55
年份: 1976  / 地区: 美国 
类型:喜剧 科幻 情色  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:5.6分
导演:Carter Stevens
演员:Susan McBain,Alan Marlow,特丽·藿尔
语言:英语  / 片长:

滚轮宝贝是一部喜剧,科幻,情色片,在未来由于人口过多,性爱被禁止,人们服用抗壮阳药以减少冲动。唯一允许的性交形式是由获得许可的表演者在电视直播中作为手淫的辅助手段。精明但运气不佳的电视主管Sherman Frobish想出了一个绝妙的主意,那就是举办一场现场电视性爱秀比赛,参赛者在轮滑比赛中进行性交挽救他挣扎的职业生涯。

In the future sexual intercourse is outlawed because of overpopulation and people take anti-aphrodisiac pills in order to curtail any carnal urges. The only form of coitus allowed is done by licensed performers on live television broadcasts as an aid to masturbation. Shrewd, but down on his luck television executive Sherman Frobish, the man responsible for a naughty top-rated TV program, comes up with the bright idea of a live TV sex show contest in which the participants fornicate while racing around on roller skates in order to salvage his floundering career.

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