瓦尔王国(2019) The Kingdom of Var/

更新:2021-01-06 08:01:37
年份: 2019  / 地区: 美国 
类型:科幻 惊悚 恐怖  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:2.7分
导演:Nicholas Kleban
演员:Alison Niven,Cynthia Stone,Vid
语言:英语  / 片长:81

瓦尔王国是一部科幻,惊悚,恐怖片,持怀疑态度和物理专业的学生Sonja Fitzgerald(Vida Zukauskas)有一天在她的地下室里发现了一条神秘的VHS录像带。播放时,她发现这是一部黑白电影,拍摄的是一个陌生人进行的仪式。经过研究后,她发现这是一部据称是1594年的电影,由时光飞逝的巫师Var(Shawn Van Every)拍摄,他从未来收获了电影设备,并将他的灵魂烙印在一卷赛璐oid上,并观看了电影将释放他。在将其视作废话之后,看似无敌的Var出现在Sonja面前,并开始无情地攻击她。

Skeptic and physics student Sonja Fitzgerald (Vida Zukauskas) finds a mysterious VHS tape in her basement one day; upon playing it she discovers it's a black-and-white film of a strange man performing a ritual. After doing some research, she discovers it is allegedly a film from the year 1594, made by the time-travelling sorcerer Var (Shawn Van Every) who harvested film equipment from the future and imprinted his spirit onto a roll of celluloid, and watching the film will release him. After dismissing this as nonsense, the seemingly invincible Var appears before Sonja and begins relentlessly attacking her.
