更新:2024-05-26 12:05:58
年份: 2016  / 地区: 美国 
类型:动画  / 豆瓣:0.0分 / IMDB:6.2分
语言:英语  / 片长:
美少女巡逻队 第一季剧情介绍

美少女巡逻队 第一季是一部动画片,故事发生在神秘的城市MYSHKIN之中,其中随处可见各种传奇英雄、惊险情节以及引人入胜的奇迹。市民认为这些只不过是为了游客们准备的而已。但是我们的英雄知道事情并不是那么的简单!四个精力充沛、勇敢无畏并且还各自身怀绝技的女孩子经历着永无休止的险情,试图在普通世界和魔法世界之间找到平衡。瓦利亚是真正的领导者,玛莎是团队

The animated series 'Fantasy Patrol' tells about the young witches Helena, Valery, Mary, Snowy, and Alice. The girls experience exciting adventures, learn to make friends, and cope with all kinds of challenges together. The story begins in the town of Fableton, where Valery, Mary, and Snowy come for training. There they meet Helena, who also has a magical gift. The girls become the guardians of this secret place, protecting it and helping various fairy-tale creatures. In the second season, Helena finds herself in Fantasy World, and Valery, Mary, Snowy, and their friends go after her. The friends have to find Helena's family, meet the ruler of the city, gain a new friend Alice, and fight the Dark Lord.

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