DC Alec Hardy has caught the killer of Danny Latimer, but why is he still in Broadchurch? It's time for the trial, but after pleading not guilty, the murderer has found another lawyer to fight his case, a lawyer so strong, that the Latimers may not win. stupid system, glorious humanity (剧透)。Broadchurch。小镇杂感。“心塞”的疑云。guilty or not guilty。生活在继续,故事也在继续。一些乱七八糟的感受。绝望中的希望。冲着如画般的美景也要看下去。依然精彩。 英国犯罪电视剧《小镇疑云》由Chris Chibnall执笔。该系列主要针对死亡的 11 岁的男孩Danny,居民们的悲伤和相互猜疑,以及媒体的关注对小镇的影响。 第一季的大部分演员回归第二季。第二季剧情将围绕着社区重建、法庭战和哈迪来到小镇前的案子等多条主线发展,真正的凶手终将现身。