Zhou Ruosi was a graduate of Peking University and was working in The Palace Museum. Once, she exposed the fraud of a dishonest trader and almost got herself killed. Ren Hongyi, a military instructor who was the son of the teacher of Zhou saved her. He was asked by the police commissioner Wang Liwen to help with a case. The suspect killed the victim and took the important cultural relic from him. Ren found that the way the suspect kills was an assassination skill that is using by the Japanese Spies. It was likely that the killer was Honda Kita, the schoolmate of Ren in Japan. Also, the people in charge of the Chinese cultural relics stuff are discussing how to protect the cultural relics in The Palace Museum during the war. They were planning to transfer these national treasures to a safer place. 剧情好多不合理 其中最大的大bug。喜欢王立文的性格。实在是浪费了好题材。简直了,能不能好好写剧本。影响剧情的大bug。嘻嘻 好喜欢 中年大叔们这种互动呀。糟蹋了这么好题材。题材是非常好的,看完能了解一些文物南迁的知识,也能感受到当年爱国军人和故宫人保护文物的不易。观看《国宝奇旅》饰演民族精神。编剧您行吗?国产剧真是垃圾编剧遍地。 根据江苏省文联主席章剑华的长篇纪实文学《故宫三部曲》改编,讲述了一个关于爱和承载的故事,再现了九一八事变之后,华北岌岌可危,马衡、易培基等故宫知识分子,抱着“文化之根在,中国不会亡”的信念,将故宫文物迁出北平的那段文化抗战悲壮史。