Set in the 16th century AD, the movie brings to life the tale of the doomed love affair between the Mughal Crown Prince Saleem and the beautiful, ill-fated court dancer, whose fervor and intensity perpetrates a war between the prince and his father the great Mughal Emperor Akbar, and threatens to bring an empire to its knees. 王子为什么造反呢?。我和导演的眼光一样。帝国余韵?。我的爱,阿娜尔古丽。 沙林为印度皇帝之子,他喜欢上高级妓女安卡丽,皇帝不满意,决定拆散他们,沙林反抗到底,最后与父开战而战败,皇帝判决他死刑,但容许她们死前在一起,安卡丽为救沙林一命,决定离开她的挚爱。