Alex is a 16-year-old misfit and high school dropout. In a final attempt to set Alex straight, her adoptive mother signs her up for an internship at a farm where Alex meets thirty-something Nina, a riding instructor who is taking a break from her partner Christine and their life in the city. Although Alex initially hates being stuck on the farm, she gradually connects with the horses. When upper-class Kathy arrives for a vacation, Alex dislikes her immediately. But as the days slowly drift by, the girls form a friendship, and when they are left alone one weekend things spin out of control. 这是一个关于成长的故事。16岁的亚历克斯是一位高中辍学生,她吸食毒品,自残,与世界格格不入,总体来说是一个失败的人。她的养母将她送到德国北部的农场里养马,让她试着让生活稳定下来。亚历克斯在那认识了指导她驯马的妮娜,妮娜是位30岁左右的女同性恋者,她与女伴克里斯汀分开的同时离开了她在城市的生活。开始亚历克斯讨厌在这个偏僻的农场生活,后来那些马逐渐打动了她的心。一天,上流社会的女孩凯西骑着她的骏马来农场度假。亚历克斯最初讨厌凯西有特权的样子,但渐渐地,这两个大相径庭的女孩开始成为朋友。她们经常在广袤的沼泽地里玩耍嬉戏,开朗又有着城市人精明头脑的亚历克斯让凯西深深着迷。两个人单独在农场的周末里,情况变得失控起来……