Friedrich Schiller, a regimental physician in a small German principality, dreams of fame and success like his great example Goethe. The prince forbids his moonlighting, so he he fleas to the palatine electorate. In its capital Mannheim, Schiller falls in love with an actress and hopes to be appointed author in residence, after his first drama harvests acclaim. But his artistic aspirations make his next play fail, unlike the comedies of his dashing colleague and 'friendly' rival, actor August Wilhelm Iffland. Court intrigues may decide the post. Schiller。 本片根据德国伟大的剧作家和诗人弗雷德里希·席勒(Friedrich?Schiller)的生平改编,讲述年轻的席勒因不满父亲的权威、反抗家庭和公国统治者对他的个人生活的强制性安排,毅然逃离了符腾堡公国,前往曼海姆,开始了他作为一名剧作家的写作生涯,但是年轻的他仍必须面对父亲以及公国统治者卡尔·奥根公爵威严的压力,同时,身处新的环境,他也要面对许多不同的人、经历不同的事,这都对他渴望自由的内心世界产生了巨大影响。在曼海姆,他创作出了充满激情与理想的剧本《强盗》,成为狂飙突进文学时代的代表作品。席勒崇尚理想与自由的精神令人为之振奋,他执着的激情和创造力感染了身边的每一个人。
2005年是德国着名作家弗雷德里希·席勒(Friedrich Schiller)逝世250周年,德国政府将这一年定为"席勒年”。本片节选席勒的青年时代,描写他在曼海姆从事戏剧创作并取得巨大成就的经历,表现了席勒崇尚自由、追求理想的的高尚情操和人格魅力。