Set in Shanghai in the 1930s / 1940s, the drama follows the story of a dance hostess, Chin Zhao Li, and the 3 important men in her life. Due to family poverty, Chin Zhao Li was forced to become a dance hostess at the infamous Paramount dance hall in Shanghai when she was 18 years old. The story is about how she met her first love, Sheng Yue Ru, a young man from Shanghai's high society, who studied abroad, loves painting and theater, and someone who is single-minded and dedicated to love. They fell deeply in love and became lovers. But their relationship faced strong resistance and objections from both families, especially Yue Ru's father, a rich banker. 我真的是范冰冰颜粉。其实范冰冰挺好的。前一世的祸水仙化作了今生善良的狐狸精。些许感动。金兆丽和盛月如的爱情是狗屁。我对冰冰的爱始于颜值忠于颜值陷于颜值。过于完美,就成了残缺。最甜蜜的毒药。最金兆丽。服化道很好的一部三观炸裂剧。