Heir to the Wayne family fortune, Bruce Wayne lives by day as a seemingly lavish playboy millionaire socialite, but by night assumes the role of his crime-fighting alter-ego: the caped crusader known as Batman. Throughout the Animated Series, Batman receives help from sidekicks Robin and Batgirl, as well as Police Commissioner Gordon, in protecting the streets of Gotham City from a large rogue's gallery of criminals, lunatics and nemeses. 黑夜中的呢喃:浅谈蝙蝠侠的“献声者”们。暗夜里的孤独行者。 黑暗笼罩的哥谭镇,暗夜里总在上演一幕幕追逐。布鲁斯·韦恩白天是社交宠儿、巨富青年,夜晚则是行走在夜间的蝙蝠侠,他利用自己的财富、智慧和高科技装备,致力于打击哥谭镇的犯罪。他的对手有珠宝大盗、美艳的猫女,玩世不恭、搞出各种致命恶作剧的小丑,失去爱人又被害成“急冻人”的研究员,曾是著名演员、欲找回被车祸损毁容貌而过量使用神奇面霜的“泥人”……每个坏人身上,都有一个令人唏嘘的故事,蝙蝠侠秉承他“不杀生”的原则,作为哥谭镇正义的化身,将一个个罪犯绳之以法送进监狱。