When contact with Air Force One has been lost with the president and speaker of the House aboard, the vice president in surgery and the president pro tempore of the Senate incapacitated, Madam Secretary became Madam acting President. Her daughter was found in a hotel room with the President's son and her husband is being forced to turn one of his Russian students into an American spy. The secretary was supposed to sing a novelty song at the Eastern Trade Conference. Fortunately, she didn't. 第二季和第一季画风差的好大。欲显长厚而似伪。在持续的阵痛中训练体面地回击。从俄罗斯总统夫人/女总统的剧情分析道尔顿的领导能力。这剧除了女主的腿,基本没什么可看的。太主旋律,撒旦洗成傻白甜啊!。 该剧描述一位女国务卿的工作和生活故事——她必须在国际危机、办公室政治和复杂的家庭生活之间寻找平衡点。